Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 500 x 150 cm

Termék kód: ZWS500-150GDS

A termék műszaki leírása Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 500 x 150 cm

Műszaki adatok
Nyomtatási anyag szélessége 1820
Összeszerelt termék
Összeszerelt termék súlya (kg) 3,6
Összeszerelt termék szélessége (mm) 5000
Összeszerelt termék mélysége (mm) 1,5
Összeszerelt termék magassága (mm) 1500
Csomagolási egység Darab
Súly (kg) 4,1545
Szélesség (mm) 250
Hossz (mm) 450
Magasság (mm) 120
Verzió Kétoldalú
Garancia (h) 12
Terméktanúsítványok DIN4102 - B1
Látható méret (mm) 5000 x 1500 mm
  • From large to small; with its many possibilities, the Zipper-Wall Straight fits perfectly into every situation. Set up in just a few steps, with a stable, tight and non-wrinkle end result. Available in 30 sizes. Setting up a wall has never been so easy!
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Egyéb funkciók:
A nyomtatási adatok elfogadását követő 5 munkanapon belül nyomtatunk és szállítunk
  • 77 592 HUF Nettó ár
  • Bruttó ár 98 542 HUF

Minden nómenklatúra

Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 100 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 100 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 100 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 100 x 250 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 100 x 300 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 150 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 150 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 150 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 150 x 300 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 200 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 200 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 200 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 200 x 250 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 200 x 300 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 250 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 250 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 300 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 300 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 300 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 400 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 400 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 400 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 500 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 500 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 500 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 600 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 600 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Double-Sided 600 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 100 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 100 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 100 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 100 x 250 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 100 x 300 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 150 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 150 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 150 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 150 x 300 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 200 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 200 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 200 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 200 x 250 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 200 x 300 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 250 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 250 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 300 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 300 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 300 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 400 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 400 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 400 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 500 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 500 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 500 x 230 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 600 x 100 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 600 x 150 cm , Zipper-Wall Straight Graphic Single-Sided 600 x 230 cm